How BRCTs can help solve our health care problem and fix the ACA
With incoming President Trump and Congress poised to dismantle the ACA and replace it with something yet to be determined, the question...

How BRCTs can help doctors and patients discuss screening tests: Part One of a series.
Often I am asked by patients if I plan to do an annual EKG to make sure their heart is ok. To many that is part of a thorough physical,...

A terrific article and video about BRCTs in Kaiser Health News.
Today Kaiser Health News reporter Jay Hancock wrote a very illuminating and informative article about the BRCT concept. CLICK HERE to see...

CDC Guidelines on Narcotics: Generic Protocols vs Individualized Care
There is a narcotic epidemic in our country, with people dying of narcotic abuse some of which is due to prescribed pain medicines. As a...

Using Shared Decision Making to Improve Erik's Hospital Stay. Part 4: Protocols
This week JAMA published a study that surveyed doctors and medical residents at a major medical center to ascertain their understanding...

Using Shared Decision Making to Improve Erik's Hospital Stay, Part 3: Statins
Statin cholesterol medicines have become a mainstay in treating coronary artery disease (CAD). There is ample evidence that the use of...

Using Shared Decision Making to Improve Erik's Hospital Stay, Part 2: Treating Afib
Atrial fibrillation (afib) is by itself usually a benign and easily treated condition. However, it does increase the risk of stroke, and...

Using Shared Decision Making to improve Erik's hospitalization: A blog series looking at the tr
As a corollary to Erik’s hospital experience as described in our JAMA article from July 2016, we will discuss four medical interventions...

A Grateful but not Passive Patient: Our JAMA article.
Several days after we met in Baltimore to discuss and plan a video about our BRCT concept, Erik did not feel well. Always active--he...

How BRCTs can reduce overtreatment and cost: the case of cardiac stents.
Looking at cardiac revascularization is illustrative of both the nuance inherent in medical decision making as well as the power of the...